
Review by Core & Co Webzine

The music and atmospheres delve deep into the unfathomable abyss, echoing Lovecraft's dark universe. Vocals alternate between offbeat declamations reminiscent of a drunken master, guttural voices akin to characters from a Romero film, and the haunting cries of beasts lurking in Scandinavian forests – all delivered with precision and intent.
Scoring 8/10

Review by Core & Co Webzine Leer más »

Deemtee’s Strange aeons & deliriums in the top 2023 albums by Lords of chaos webzine

Another precious pearl discovered at dusk in 2023!

Deemtee’s Strange aeons & deliriums in the top 2023 albums by Lords of chaos webzine Leer más »

Stange Aeons & Deliriums is now available in Deezer

Stange Aeons & Deliriums is now available in Deezer Leer más »

As Light Dies – TLA vol2 album in the top 2023 albums by Zware

Ook dit jaar weer een AOTY lijstje, en het is wederom een flinke geworden. Waren het er vorig jaar slechts 1937, dit jaar is het totaal tot 1996 gekomen... Dit zijn dus alleen de nieuwe (dus geen re-releases) studio (dus geen live) albums (dus geen EP's, splits ed.). De top 13 staat op volgorde. Deze hebben allemaal een score tussen de 8.75 en 9.75 gekregen (ja, een 10 was er dit jaar wel maar dat was geen studio album 😉 ). Onder de lijst ook nog enkele wel eervolle. 13. As Light Dies - The Laniakea Architecture - Volume II
Barry Loeffen

As Light Dies – TLA vol2 album in the top 2023 albums by Zware Leer más »

Deemtee in A golpes de rock’s podcast

Programa / Show 231 08/12/2023

Sonaron / Sounded:

  1. Exiled Hope – «Get Out»
  2. Black Reuss – «Loner»
  3. Scumfucks – «Not As Fast As…»
  4. Skeptical Minds – «War Is Coming»
  5. Dwelling Below – «Swallowed»
  6. Kryptoxik Mortality – «Impending Monolithic Desolation»
  7. Deemtee – «Strange Aeons»
  8. Beyond God – «A Sirens Cry»
  9. Entrevista con Jacob de Rosenthal Effect
  10. Rosenthal Effect – «The Wrath of Medusa»
  11. SoleDriver – «Soul Inside»
  12. Voyage Hugo – «Crazy What Love Can Do»
  13. Order of Nine – «»Whiskey and Rue»
  14. Eldritch – «Born on Cold Ash»
  15. Goaten – «Witches’ Serenade»

Deemtee in A golpes de rock’s podcast Leer más »

Strange Aeons & Deliriums CDs arrived

Finally the physical copies of Deemtee’s «Strange Aeons & Deliriums» hava arrived and I am preparing all the pre-order packages.

This is the upacking and unboxing!

Strange Aeons & Deliriums CDs arrived Leer más »

Review by Sputnik

It’s a weird album, and in a very good way. Can’t say I’ve heard much like this lately, and their effort is sincere. Their rhythm is tight, the singing is pretty, and the carefully selected riffs are nasty. It’s an enchanting album that sounds like from a different era of music, on the other hand, they’re unique enough to be captivating. This type of symphonic what the fuck metal is in short supply, so get some while it lasts.

Review by Sputnik Leer más »

An NCS album premier (and a review): Deemtee — “Strange Aeons & Deliriums”

The renowned American webzine NO CLEAN SINGING is premiering “Strange Aeons & Deliriums” today, the revolutionary second full-length studio album by the avantgarde black metal trailblazers Deemtee, along with a deep and interesting review (thank you so much Islander for your support)… you are all invited to enjoy the album in exclusivity two days before its release, I’m pretty sure that you will be surprised!


🎶🌌 Today, NO CLEAN SINGING is hosting an exclusive full premiere of Deemtee’s avant-garde work, «Strange Aeons & Deliriums»! 🔥✨ Immerse yourself in the sonic landscapes. Listen the full album now!

🔗 Don’t miss this musical odyssey that transcends genres. Hit play and let the journey begin! 🚀🎵

An NCS album premier (and a review): Deemtee — “Strange Aeons & Deliriums” Leer más »

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