
Reseña en El vuelo nocturno

Estupenda reseña de lo último de Garth Arum en El Vuelo Nocturno

Programa del 26 de Septiembre de 2021, temporada XXXVII de «El Vuelo Nocturno», uno de los programas metaleros más longevos del panorama radiofónico español.

Cada domingo, de 23:00 a 00:00 horas, en Los 40 León (88.2 FM) o en la web

Listado de canciones: 01.- Secret Chord “Everything Repeats”, 02.- Aephanemer “Panta Rhei”, 03.- Rebellion “We Are The People”, 04.- Scar Of The Sun “The Fallible Experiment”, 05.- Zonata “A Dark Chapter”, 06.- Thuggish Banda “La Noche De Los Lobos”, 07.- Garth Arum “Now”, 08.- Embrional “In Darkness”, 09.- U.D.O. “Black Widow”, 10.- Warmen “Somebody’s Watching Me”, 11.- Eternal Tears of Sorrow “Scar Of Wisdom”, 12.- Banzai “Coche Rápido En La Noche”.

Con nuevo material para la PLAYLIST de «El Vuelo Nocturno – Los 40 León» en SPOTIFY (¡búscanos y suscríbete!) y la opción de escuchar el programa completo en formato podcast en nuestra web,

Reseña en El vuelo nocturno Leer más »

Flawed synchronization with reality review by The Pit of the Damned

Review by  The Pit of the Damned (Italy).
Vote: 77/100

'Flawed Synchronization with Reality' opens the door to a psychotic reinterpretation of contaminated, experimental black metal often veering outside conventional boundaries. There couldn't be a better compliment for Deemtee, at least from me, always in search of original sounds. And good ol' NHT, risking the most dangerous derailment, manages to hypnotize me with a truly unique sound.

Flawed synchronization with reality review by The Pit of the Damned Leer más »

Flawed synchronization with reality premiere by No Clean Singing

Neither the album as a whole nor any single song is a predictable, linear progression. The music is often vastly intricate, and also unexpectedly mesmerizing. At times it’s utterly brazen and boisterous, and at other times seductive or violently disorienting. Some tracks become concertos of madness and psychedelic hallucination, others divert into voyages across cosmic oceans or plummet into wells of inner despair.

Flawed synchronization with reality premiere by No Clean Singing Leer más »

Flawed synchronization with reality review by Kvlt Magazine

New review from Polish Kult Magazine.
Thank you, Rafal Chmura.
Rating: 8/10

Listening to albums like the debut from the Spanish one-man project Deemtee, I find myself reflecting on the boundaries of avant-garde in music in general, and in extreme metal in particular. To avoid unnecessary biases, let's assume they simply don't exist, and a mind released from the constraints of imagination is capable of anything. The issue of reception and interpretation by the listener is an entirely separate matter.

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